“Joining a book club gives you the opportunity to build your speaking and listening skills through conversations and discussions with other members in a relaxed, stress-free way."

Hello there! I'm Patricia Ferraz and I've been deeply immersed in the world of education for over 20 years. Throughout my career, I've had the opportunity to work as a teacher, teacher trainer and examiner all over the world from China, Vietnam, Mauritius and Greece to Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Thailand and more.

Beyond my professional life, I have a strong affinity for all things related to water. Whether it's sailing, scuba diving or (some embarrassingly terrible) surfing, I love all things connected to the sea.

My deepest passion, however, lies in the world of books. Literature has always held a special place in my heart. The power of storytelling and the ability of books to transport us to different realms fascinate me endlessly.

That's why I'm absolutely thrilled that you’ll be joining me in the Cambridge Book Club. It's an incredible opportunity to connect with fellow book enthusiasts, discuss our favourite authors and novels and embark on literary journeys together.